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PDF to Word 변환프로그램 고객
스캔 기능과 PDF를 만들고 변환하는 기능에 더하여 검색도 가능하고 문서 저장이 가능한 PDF/A 문서를 쉽게 만들 수가 있습니다.손쉽게 PDF 문서 만들기

손쉽게 PDF 문서 만들기

  1. Solid PDF Tools creates PDF documents from most programs .

      Almost any Windows application that can print a document will work with Solid PDF Tools to easily create PDF documents.
  2. Creating PDF documents with Solid PDF Tools is Easy .

      Simply open a document in your Windows application…
  3. Opening the Printer Dialog.

      In most applications you can select File | Print...
    In Word 2007 you can select the Office Button | Print | Print...
  4. Printing to the Solid PDF Tools Printer Driver.

      Select the Solid PDF Tools printer driver and click OK…
  5. Naming the PDF file in the Create PDF Window.

      Name the PDF file and click the Create button. Check the 'Prompt for Document Properties" to add security settings, document information, etc.
  6. The Created PDF document opens in your PDF Reader.

      View your new document in your PDF Reader.

유용한 기능 살펴보기:
스캔후 PDF 변환
PDF를 PDF/A으로 변환
PDF/A 파일 검증
검색기능을 위한 OCR
PDF 파일의 Word 변환
스캔한 문서의 Word 변환
PDF to Excel 
PDF to Text
선택적 내용 추출
PDF to Word 에서 표를 뽑기
WYSIWYG을 통한 내용 추출
최상의 PDF에서 워드로 변환
일괄 변환
PDF 생성시 '끌어다놓기'
PDF 워터마크
페이지 재정렬
PDF 패스워드 보호기능
PDF 접근 권한
PDF 최적화 기능
PDF/A 아카이브 포맷


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