Our Dedication to Accessibility
Solid Documents is committed to upholding the standards set by Section 508 making it a consistent and reliable provider of accessible, efficient, and effective solutions for people from all walks of life. Our products are constructed around central themes of usability, reliability, and accessibility ensuring quality results for all of our customers regardless of any disability they might have. The following are just a few examples of how our products comply with the standards of Section 508:
- Each product incorporates a well-defined focus that is always indicated by selection or a frame around the field or an option.
- All user interface elements are labeled with explanatory text and tool tips.
- Standard Windows® indicators are used throughout each product.
- Product features do not disrupt or disable any existing accessibility features of any operating system.
Section 508
In 1998, the Rehabilitation Act gained strength when Congress passed an amendment requiring Federal agencies to make their information technology accessible to people with disabilities. Under Section 508, Federal agencies are required to provide disabled employees as well as members of the public accessible information that is comparable to that which is available to those without disabilities, unless doing so produces an undue burden on the agency. Section 508 applies specifically to electronic and information technology products developed, procured, maintained, or used by a Federal agency. Follow this link to learn more about Section 508 and the US Government's standards with regards to accessibility.
Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPAT)
Click on a product below to view its corresponding VPAT. A Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a standardized document listing each of the conventions of Section 508. For each listed convention, space is provided for further explanation of how a given product complies with that particular convention. Note: The following documents are in PDF form, which can be viewed with the FREE Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® available at www.adobe.com.
Solid Converter® PDF - Section 508