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Solid Framework
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Customer Testimonials
Adobe® Acrobat® X gebruikt Solid Framework
"Na het afwegen van de beschikbare opties hebben we ervoor gekozen om Solid Framework-technologie te gebruiken voor de conversie van PDF-bestanden naar Microsoft® Word en Excel in Adobe® Acrobat® X.
De kwaliteit van de reconstructie van documenten is erg goed en de samenwerking met het Solid Documents-team aan dit project was bijzonder prettig."
Aman Deep Nagpal, Senior Product Manager, Acrobat Solutions Adobe Systems Incorporated
"In DocConverter WBE 2010 wilden we de gebruikers een eenvoudige manier aanreiken om hun PDF-bestanden te converteren, te beheren en te archiveren. Niet alleen zijn we er met gebruikmaking van de Solid Framework SDK in geslaagd dit doel te bereiken, we hebben bovendien DocConverter WBE 2010 sneller op de markt kunnen brengen dankzij de nieuwste technologie van Solid Documents."
Tim Sullivan, CEO of activePDF activePDF, Inc.
"De technologie van Solid Documents bood ongeëvenaarde uitvoerkwaliteit van Word gekoppeld aan eenvoudige integratie met ons server-based framework. De zakelijke en technische contacten waren prettig om mee te werken en boden competente en snelle behandeling van al onze vragen.
Scott Mackey, Director of Product Management Adlib Software
"Our azzapt service provides personalised conversions to accessible text for people with reading impairments, from Word with different fonts and colours, to audio on mobile phones. It is vital for us to have the best possible conversions of PDF files. We did extensive research and analysis of the competition before settling on Solid Framework and have found them very helpful partners to work with. "
Ian Litterick, Executive Chairman iansyst ltd
"The Solid Framework SDK provided us with an easy-to-use solution for incorporating PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and HTML into our PDF editing software. After testing the technology, we were pleased with the output files it produced and chose to incorporate into our desktop products."
Don Jacob, VP of Engineering at Bluebeam Software, Inc. Bluebeam Software
"After review of alternatives we found Solid Documents' Solid Framework to be a lightweight, fast, very easy to use component and most importantly provided accurate conversions."
Shane Barnett, R&D Director DocsCorp
"Vaak wordt vertalers gevraagd om PDF-documenten te vertalen, maar tot nu toe was daar geen gemakkelijke oplossing voor. Nu biedt de integratie van Solid Documents in SDL Trados 2009 voor hen de perfecte oplossing. Wij vonden Solid Documents een bedrijf waarmee we gemakkelijk konden werken en we konden hun technologie snel in de onze integreren. The API is eenvoudig in het gebruik, de software is robuust en betrouwbaar en de kwaliteit van de uitvoer is erg goed. We hebben uitstekende reacties van onze klanten gehad en wij voorzien een langdurige en succesvolle partnership met Solid Documents."
Terry Lawlor, VP Solutions SDL plc
"With Professional 8, we’re uniting best-of-breed OCR functionality from Solid Documents, with the industry’s leading comparison technology from Workshare, in a single desktop package. We now offer more value to the legal community by supporting an increased range of document formats. Customers now benefit from having the most accurate input and processing methods available to them thanks to Solid Documents."
Matthew Brown, Vice President of Product Management Workshare
Product Reviews
Adobe® Acrobat® X gebruikt Solid Framework
"The folks at Adobe® told me that the export functionality of Acrobat® X has been vastly improved. I can vouch for the export to Word being improved. I recently tried to export a text based PDF that had been filed in federal court, with the goal of copying some of the text to use as sticky notes. I wasn't able to do it with Acrobat 9 because of some issue with font compatibility. I opened up Acrobat X and gave it a try, and it converted the 22 page document in less than 10 seconds."
Ernest Svenson
"Anyone who works with PDF knows the headache of converting a PDF file into an editable Word or Excel document for Microsoft Office 2010. Acrobat X does a startlingly good job of exporting PDF files into Office-editable documents."
Edward Mendelson, Contributing Editor PC Magazine