行业领先的 PDF/A-1b 生成提供为免费的在线服务Solid Documents launches PDF/A-1b validation service for free! Redmond, Washington, December 1, 2008. Solid Documents, a leading provider of document utility products, today announced the release of a free online service for validating PDF files for PDF/A-1b compliance. Solid Documents is a member of the PDF/A Competence Center, a cooperation between numerous world-leading companies and experts in PDF technology. PDF/A-1b is an ISO Standard for using the PDF format for the long-term archiving of electronic documents. Not all PDF files meet this ISO 19005-1: PDF/A-1b standard. Our new free online service will analyze your PDF files for compliance and send you a report. No software to install, no hassle, and instant results. Our free online service, Free PDF Validator, uses the industry leading PDF/A validator from Solid PDF Tools. Solid PDF Tools can do much more than PDF/A validation. Other key features of Solid PDF Tools include:
About Solid Documents:Solid Documents is a leading provider of easy-to-use document utility tools, including Solid Converter® PDF, Solid PDF Tools, Solid Converter® DWG, Solid Capture, and other products. The company creates an array of affordable document conversion, image capturing, and digital editing products that are backed by superior customer service and support. Company success can be attributed to one fundamental design principle: Keep it simple. Trademark reference: Solid Converter and the Solid Converter logo are trademarks of Solid Documents, LLC in the United States and other countries. All other company names or product names may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The statements in this press release that relate to future plans, events or performance are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including risks associated with market trends, and competitive factors. Actual results, events and performance may differ materially. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on these forward-looking statements that speak only as of the date hereof.