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Konwerter PDF do Word Nasi Klienci
Konwertuj PDF do Word, Excel - Dokumenty prostsze w edycji i obróbce!Konwertowanie PDF do HTML

Konwertowanie PDF do HTML

  1. Easily Convert PDFs to HTML.

      Solid Converter uses advanced document reconstruction to convert PDFs into formatted W3C compliant XHTML. Simply:
    1. Open your PDF file in Solid Converter
    2. Select Convert to HTML
    3. Convert!
    Document formatting is recognized to handle columns, headers and footers and graphics and images.
  2. Easy Conversions.

      Right-Click functionality in Solid Converter allows you to quickly convert a single page or multiple pages of content to HTML. Using the Pages Pane select the page or pages to be converted using Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click. Then, Right-Click and select "Convert to HTML"...
  3. Confirm Pages to be Converted.

      Confirm or change the pages to be converted with Solid Converter and select your desired "Conversion Settings"...
  4. Set your HTML Conversion Options.

      Decide if you want to include or exclude images in your HTML file created by Solid Converter. You can also specify the image format type and maximum width of images.
  5. Using Optical Text Recovery to Convert Scanned Pages.

      If converting a scanned page, select the options you want to use to OCR (optical character recognition) the PDF with Solid Converter.
  6. Conversion Progress Indicator.

      The progress indicator in Solid Converter will alert you to any problems encountered during the conversion process...
  7. Viewing Your Converted File.

      By default, your converted file will be displayed in your browser. Converted files are saved as .htm documents.

Więcej przewodników
Konwertuj PDF do Word
Skanuj do Word
Konwertowanie tabel PDF do Excel
Konwertowanie PDF do zwykłego tekstu
Selektywne pozyskiwanie zawartości
Extract Tables from PDF to Word
Pozyskiwanie zawartości metodą WYSIWYG
Jakość konwersji PDF do Word
Przetwarzanie wsadowe
Przeciągnij i upuść, aby utworzyć PDF
Znaki wodne
Zmiana układu stron
Łatwe tworzenie dokumentów PDF
Zabezpieczanie pliku PDF hasłem
Tworzenie uprawnień
Archiwizuj używając PDF/A


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