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PDF-naar-Word-converter Klanten
Converteer PDF naar Word, Excel - eenvoudig bewerkbare documenten!Pagina's opnieuw rangschikken

Pagina's opnieuw rangschikken

  1. Rearrange Pages.

      Do more with your PDF documents than ever before! With Solid Converter you can easily rearrange pages among one or more PDF documents by simply dragging and dropping.
  2. Moving Pages.

      Open a PDF document in Solid Converter, then click and drag the page... a marker will appear indicating the location where the page will be dropped upon release of the mouse...
  3. Copy Pages.

      Need to copy a page instead of moving it? Just hold down the control key (Ctrl) while you drag the page, then release the left mouse button to copy the selected page...
  4. Vertical Tab Groups.

      Vertical Tab Groups in Solid Converter allow you to open and work with multiple PDF documents simultaneously. To do this, open two PDF documents in Solid Converter, click the New Vertical Tab Group button, then click the Pages button on both PDF documents...
  5. Using Vertical Tab Groups.

      The individual pages of each PDF document will become visible. Now you can drag and drop pages from one PDF to another. By default this will copy pages. If you want to move them from one PDF to the next just hold down the control key while you drag the page...
  6. Working with Multiple Pages.

      Why limit yourself to working with a single page at a time? Select a range of pages in Solid Converter and then delete, copy or move them as needed. Right click on one of your selected pages to access your choice of actions.

Meer functie-beschrijvingen:
PDF naar Word converteren
Naar Word scannen
PDF naar Excel
PDF's converteren naar alleen tekst
Selectief inhoud uitnemen
Extract Tables from PDF to Word
WYSIWYG uitnemen van inhoud
Kwaliteitsconversies van PDF naar Word
Slepen en neerzetten om PDF te maken
Makkelijk PDF-documenten maken
Wachtwoordbeveiliging voor PDF's
PDF-toegangsrechten instellen
Archiefindeling PDF/A


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