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Help (Zip file)
Your first stop for customer support. The Zip file contains a HTML Help (*.chm) file which provides detailed step-by-step instructions and assistance with Solid Capture. After downloading the Zip file and extracting the .chm file to a folder on your computer, double-click the .chm file to open it.

팁 & 트릭
Solid Capture의 뛰어난 성능력을 최대화하는 방법에 대해서 알아봅니다. Solid Capture을 사용하는데 필요한 각종 팁과 유용한 정보를 얻을 수가 있습니다.

Customers and Case Studies
Listings of some of our corporate and government customers, along with case studies from companies that use the product. Learn how Solid Capture can help your bottom line by improving your efficiency.


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