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PDF to Word 변환프로그램 고객
PDF 파일을 매우 쉽게 편집할 수 있는 Word 문서, 나 Excel 파일로 변환합니다!PDF to Word 에서 표를 뽑기

PDF to Word 에서 표를 뽑기

  1. PDF Documents to Word.

      One of the many powerful features of Solid Converter is the ability to extract tables from a PDF file to Word. You choose whether you want to extract from an entire document or a range of pages.

    No matter what your preference you can integrate our products into your document workflow naturally.
  2. Preserving Styles in Word.

      You won't lose any of the borders and shading, colors, cell alignment and styles when you convert your PDF table into a Word table with Solid Converter.
  3. Borderless Tables into Word.

      Even borderless tables convert into Word as a Word table object. Solid Converter preserves the layout just like in the original.
  4. Forms with Text in all Directions.

      Solid Converter converts your PDF table into a Word table and keeps the text alignment and form objects in the right place.

유용한 기능 살펴보기:
PDF 파일의 Word 변환
스캔한 문서의 Word 변환
PDF to Excel 
PDF to Text
선택적 내용 추출
WYSIWYG을 통한 내용 추출
최상의 PDF에서 워드로 변환
일괄 변환
PDF 생성시 '끌어다놓기'
PDF 워터마크
페이지 재정렬
손쉽게 PDF 문서 만들기
PDF 패스워드 보호기능
PDF 접근 권한
PDF 최적화 기능
PDF/A 아카이브 포맷


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